Saturday, November 22, 2008

Miggery Sow

Hope is a wonderous thing. It can make even a young poor girl dream of living in a rich world.
Let's take Miggery Sow, for example. What an existence she had as a young girl. Tell me a little bit about how you felt as you read about her. And then tell how you could relate to her feelings when she saw the king's family go by her and the hope that she felt.
Tell me how you feel about hope and a time that you felt hopeful.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Compare Characters

I can tell that you all are really liking Despereaux.

What other books and main characters have you liked as well?

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Favorite Character

Who is your favorite character so far in our book? Why?

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Book the Second

We are about to start Book the Second with Despereaux. Why do you think the author divided this book into 4 distinct parts? THINK really hard about this one... I know you can do it... :)

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Welcome to OUR blog

Look what we've got! A blog! Tell me how you are liking the 5th grade so far. Also, tell me how you like "The Tale of Despereaux". How far have you read?